Wednesday, August 1, 2018

What and What Not to Do While Writing Your Business Management Dissertation?

dissertation business management

You get a total of sixteen weeks to write a dissertation. To be honest, it is enough time to write a thesis/ dissertation of 15,000 words in sixteen weeks, but most commonly students take too much time doing irrelevant things and end up presenting a poor dissertation. It’s true that this phase takes up all your energy and makes you go crazy, and that too happens just because we don’t manage our time properly. Remember, time is money and if we realize its importance and learn to manage it fully, then trust me, we won’t end up in tears.

So, to save you from regretting your decision, we have some tricks and tips that will help you manage your precious sixteen weeks and will also help you in writing a good dissertation or thesis work.

Here it starts:

Ask yourself some questions:

Before writing your dissertation business management or any other topic, ask yourself these following questions and if you’re unable to answer them then remember you have got to stop and rethink again.

1. The topic you’ve chosen, is it keeping you motivated?

2. Will your dissertation keep the readers interested in reading it?

3. Does it have a great impact on your career path?

While writing the dissertation, keep asking yourself these questions and if at any point you couldn’t answer them then you know what to do.

Plan it out:

Without wasting a single day, start searching for your topic, ask for advice if you need, do anything you want but start working on your dissertation from day 1 of your sixteen weeks period.

Plan it out and work. Like I said before, time is money, so spend it carefully. But if you waste the first couple of weeks, you will be in great trouble!

Research and Write Daily:

Divide your work into chunks. Research and write. Make sure you write at least 500 words daily. Completing your daily tasks will save you time to proofread your work.

Take Help from Your Supervisor/Faculty Advisor:

Seeking help from your supervisors or faculty advisors would be a great thing to do. There come times when you have no clue whatsoever, or you get stuck with your research, so in times of distress or trouble, you can always seek help from your supervisors. In case they are not much supportive then you should change your advisors as soon as possible.

Search for Inspiration:

You get inspired by people or their work all the time. So, while you start writing your dissertation, look for inspiring dissertation/thesis work. By doing this, you would stay motivated and try to keep the standard of your dissertation high and would work much harder.


It is recommended that you start proofreading your dissertation two weeks prior to the deadline. Re-read it once and try to find out the grammatical, spelling, layout, and diagram labeling then leave it for two to three days and then start re-reading it with a fresh mind. This way, you’ll be able to do the critical analysis of your dissertation in a much better way.

Do follow these tips if you want to save yourself the trouble of regretting.

Happy writing!